Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

RAS Notes for Prelims

  1. If the president declares national emergency, it should be approved by each House of Parliament – within a month from the reassembly of Loksabha
  2. What type of right is the right to contest the election? – Constitutional Right
  3. What type of right is the right to vote in the election? – Constitutional Right
  4. National Emergency- Article 352
  5. State Emergency- Article 356
  6. Financial Emergency- Article 360
  7.  A proclamation imposing President’s Rule must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament –  within two months from the date of its issue.
  8. What is the minimum age to become the President/ Vice President of India/ governor of the state? – 35 years
  9. Who decides the date and schedule for the Lok Sabha elections? – Union Home Ministry
  10. Minimum age to Contest the Election of Lok Sabha- 25 years.
  11. Minimum age to contest the election of Rajya Sabha- 30 years.
  12. Minimum age to contest the election of Panchayat- 21 years.
  13. Minimum age to vote in India- 18 years
  14. Who has been on the post of Vice President of India twice – Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
  15. President is- Integral Part of the Parliament
  16. Who resolves the disputes relating to splits/mergers of recognised political parties? – Election Commission
  17. How many members can be nominated by the President for both Houses of Parliament – 14
  18. How long is the tenure of a member of Rajya Sabha? – six years
  19. If the Speaker of Lok Sabha wants to resign, to whom will he address his resignation- Deputy Speaker
  20. Finance Commission is- the constitutional bodies according to the Constitution of India.
  21. After how many years the Finance Commission is appointed by the President of India – 5 years
  22. The Central Government grants “grants” to the States from the Consolidated Fund of India based on whose recommendations- Finance Commission
  23. Who is the Protector of Contingency Fund of India? – President
  24. Who is the supreme commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces? – President
  25. Who moves the private member bill? – Non ministers
  26. Authority, who can refer a matter under Article 143 to the Supreme Court of India for an advisory opinion- President of India
  27. In a single transferable voting method, every voter can express – as many choices as the candidates in the election.
  28. Who was the first non-political President of India? – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
  29. How many times has the President declared a National Emergency? – three times
  30. If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation- Vice President
  31. What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India? – There is no maximum age limit.
  32. In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  33. How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution? – Three
  34. In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency? – never
  35. To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life is enshrined in-  Article 48 A
  36. How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post? – as many times as he wants.
  37. All the ordinances issued by the president (during the recess of the Parliament) must be approved by the Parliament within- six weeks after its reassembly.
  38. The Vice President of India is elected by –  the Members of Parliament (both elected and nominated).
  39. What is the maximum possible strength of the Rajya Sabha? – 250
  40. Any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India – must be filed in the Supreme Court.
  41. The President of India can be impeached – by Parliament
  42. From where the parliamentary system of the Government of India has been adopted? – British Constitution
  43. Parliamentary Committee scrutinizing the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India- Public Accounts Committee
  44. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Indian Parliament is- Leader of the opposition party
  45. Who is currently heading the Public Accounts Committee? – Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
  46. How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the president? – 12
  47. What is the strength of the Public Accounts Committee? – 22 members.
  48. What is the tenure of the members of Rajya Sabha? – six years
  49. Which is the competent body which sets the conditions for obtaining citizenship – Parliament
  50. Who has the power to create All India Services –Rajya Sabha (by two third majority)
  51. How many members from Lok Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 15
  52. To whom the Parliamentary Affairs Committee submits its reports? – President
  53. Who appoints the chairman of Public Accounts Committee? – President
  54. What is the current strength of Rajya Sabha? – 245
  55. To whom the Cabinet is collectively responsible? – Lok Sabha
  56. The bill sent to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament has to be passed – by a simple majority of the members present.
  57. How many members from Rajya Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 7
  58. Who is regarded as the head of the state in India? – President
  59. Who certifies a bill in the Lok Sabha as a money bill? – Speaker
  60. The first Speaker of the Lok Sabha was- G.V. Mavalankar
  61. According to the Constitution of India, the session of both the Houses of Parliament is required to convene at least how many times in a year? – twice.
  62. Who is the executive head of the government? – PM
  63. Which schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and union territories? – Schedule IV
  64. The Fourth Schedule of the Constitution deals with the allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and union territories.
  65. What is the name of the motion moved to draw the attention of the Lok Sabha towards the matter of urgent public importance? – Adjournment motion
  66. What is the minimum time allocated for the discussion of the adjournment motion? – 2.5 Hours
  67. If Parliament appoints a committee for a specific purpose, then it is called- Adhoc Committee
  68. By which bill does the government propose to collect revenue for one year? – Finance Bill
  69. How many UTs gets representation in Rajya Sabha? – 02 (Delhi and Puducherry)
  70. Which Schedule of the Constitution of India determines the allocation of seats in Rajya Sabha? – Fourth Schedule
  71. Who is the Chairman of Rajya Sabha? – Vice President of India
  72. The rule of nomination of members of Rajya Sabha by-the President is taken from the constitution of which country? – Ireland
  73. Which Article empowers Parliament to legislate on subjects of the State List? – 249
  74. What is the maximum possible number of elected members in Lok Sabha? – 550
  75. What is the maximum possible number of members of Lok Sabha? – 552
  76. Which innovative discussion process has been incorporated by the Indian Parliament in the world parliamentary systems? – zero hour.
  77. A Member of Parliament will lose his membership in Parliament if he is continuously absent from sessions – more than 60 days.
  78. What should be the difference between the first motion of no confidence and the second no confidence motion – 6 months
  79. What is the quorum (quorum) required to conduct Lok Sabha? – 1/10
  80. What is the key provisions of the fifth schedule/ Schedule 5? – Special Provisions for the Schedules Tribes
  81. Within what time a minister should get elected to either house of parliament to avoid disqualification? – 6 months
  82. Which article says that the President can nominate a person to Rajya Sabha? – Article 80
  83. Sarkaria Commission was constituted to report on what subject- Center-State Relations
  84. What is common agreement between Gandhism and Marxism? – Stateless Society
  85. Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  86. Who appoints the chief minister of Delhi? – President
  87. The term ‘State’ has been defined under which article of the constitution? – Article 12
  88. Who can take part in the proceeding of the Lok Sabha, can speak in the Lok Sabha but cannot vote? – Attorney General of India
  89. Pension of a High Court Judge is charged to- the Consolidated Fund of India.
  90. Who happens to be the chairman of the zonal council? – Union Home minister
  91. Who happens to be the vice chairman of the zonal council? – Chief Minister of States
  92. Under which act, the Zonal council was created? – States Reorganisation Act, 1956
  93. In order to inflict changes in the federal structure of the constitution, the bill must be passed by what proportion of the states? – Half
  94. Salary of a High Court Judge is charged to- the Consolidated Fund of State.
  95. Who is the Chairman of National Integration Council? – Prime Minister
  96. Which government of India act provided for the distribution of powers between the Centre and the States? – Government of India Act, 1935
  97. Who appoints judges of Supreme Court of India? – President
  98. Who appoints judges of High Courts? – President
  99. At what age do the judges of the Supreme Court retire? – 65 years
  100. At what age do the judges of the High Court retire? – 62 years
  101. Who interprets the Constitution? – Judiciary
  102. Who is the Custodian of Indian Constitution? – Supreme Court
  103. Maximum number of judges in the Supreme Court- 33 (excluding Chief Justice of India)
  104. Who has the power to increase the number of judges in supreme court? – Parliament
  105. Number of high court in India- 25
  106. Number of States in India- 29
  107. No. of UTs in India- 7
  108. The voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 years by the 61st Constitutional Amendment Act in which year? – 1988.
  109. By whom can the High Court Judges be removed from their office on the basis of incompetence or proven misconduct even before the expiry of their term – President on the recommendations of both the Houses of Parliament.
  110. Who can remove the High Court Judge – President on the resolution of Parliament passed by special majority
  111. Under which Article of the Constitution of India, the decision of the Central Administrative Tribunal can be challenged in the Supreme Court- 323A
  112. Who appoints Comptroller and Auditor General of India? – President
  113. Seats of states in Lok Sabha has been frozen till when? – 2026
  114. What is the tenure of Comptroller and Auditor General of India? – 6 years
  115. Who is the highest civil officer of the Central Government? – Cabinet Secretary
  116. For how long the term of the Lok Sabha can be extended during the period of national emergency? – any length of time
  117. Who appoints the Attorney General of India? – President
  118. The term of office of the members of the Union Public Service Commission is – 6 years or till attaining the age of 65 years.
  119. Any member of the Union Public Service Commission can be removed – by the President
  120. Under which article is the Election Commission set up – Article 324
  121. All executive actions are taken in the name of which authority? President
  122. Who is the authority to decide the question of disqualification on the basis of representation of people act 1951? – President
  123. Who is the authority to decide the question of disqualification on the basis of anti-defection law? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  124. Without being a member of the parliament, a person who is eligible to vote can be made a minister for what period of time? –  for six months
  125. A national political party is one which has received 6 percent of the total votes cast – in four or more states
  126. When the bail amount of an election candidate of Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha is forfeited – when he is unable to get even 1/6 of the total vote.
  127. Which clause of the constitution mention the term ‘No confidence Motion’- Not mentioned
  128. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India- Sukumar Sen
  129. Who is the chairman of the Business Advisory Committee? – Speaker
  130. How a short notice question is answered in parliament? – Orally
  131. What happens if the censure motion is passed against the government? – Government need not resign
  132. Who is the chairman of the Rules Committee? – Speaker
  133. Who is the chairman of the General Purpose Committee?  -Speaker
  134. The Gandhian Principles of promoting cottage industries finds mention in which part of the constitution? – DPSP
  135. The model code of conduct to be followed by political parties and candidates during elections is as specified in- the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
  136. Who appoints Chief Minister – Governor
  137. The article for the Prohibition of Traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labour: Article 23
  138. In which Article of Indian Constitution, the functions of the Chief Minister are defined – Article 167
  139. The anti-defection law has been enumerated in which schedule of the constitution? – Tenth Schedule
  140. First state of independent India which was created on linguistic basis – Andhra Pradesh
  141. When states were reorganized on linguistic basis? – in year 1956
  142. Who prepares the electoral roll for the Vidhan Sabha elections? – Election Commission of India
  143. Who adjudicates a dispute between two or more States? – Supreme Court
  144. In which year States were reorganized on linguistic basis – 1956
  145. What is the maximum fixed number of members of the State Legislative Assembly? – 500.
  146. Ordinance promulgated by the Governor is subject to the promulgation by- State Legislature
  147. How many members of the Anglo-Indian community are nominated in the Legislative Assembly issued by the Governor? – One
  148. According to which article, the State Legislative Council can be created or abolished – Article 169
  149. Under which article there is a provision that lay down that no person shall be compelled to pay any taxes for the promotion or maintenance of any particular religion- Article 27
  150. Who was the first woman Governor of independent India – Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
  151. Who presides over as the chairman of the joint sitting of the parliament when both speaker and the deputy speaker are absent? – Deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha
  152. Who was first woman to become a Chief Minister of any State in India? – Sucheta Kripalani
  153. What is the working period of a temporary member of the UN Security Council? – 2 years
  154. How many countries are members of the UN General Assembly – 194
  155. Speaker of Lok Sabha is given a very high position in the order of precedence. He is placed at seventh rank, along with? – Chief Justice of India.
  156. Number of judges in International Court of Justice – 15
  157. Who was in favor of non-party democracy? – Jayaprakash Narayan
  158. Which country was the first female Prime Minister in the world – Sri Lanka
  159. In which year did the ‘Shimla Treaty’ be signed between India and Pakistan – 1972
  160. In which year the Parliament of India passed the Environment Bill – 1986
  161. What comes under Article 124A of the Indian Penal Code? – Treason
  162. Who decides the date of election of Speaker? – President
  163. Who decides the date of election of Deputy Speaker? – Speaker
  164. Who is the Chairman of National Disaster Management Authority? – Prime Minister of India
  165. Bicameral legislature means – the lower and upper houses.
  166. In India, the ‘Look East Policy’ was launched by which Prime Minister- P.V. Narasimha Rao
  167. When the post of “Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha” was recognised for the first time? – 1969
  168. Which is the first country to make a constitution? – USA
  169. Which country has the briefest Constitution in the world? – USA
  170. The Constitution of India represents the budget as- Annual Financial Statement
  171. Who automatically becomes the chairman, when nominated to any parliamentary committee? – The Deputy Speaker
  172. At the time of constitution, the areas which are known as North East Frontier Agency are now – State of Arunachal Pradesh
  173. How many schedules are there in the Constitution of India – 12
  174. The forests have been kept– concurrent list
  175. 73rd Constitutional Amendment – Panchayat Raj
  177. 74th Constitutional Amendment – Municipal Council
  178. Which Article of the Indian Constitution directs the State Governments to constitute Gram Panchayats? – Article 40
  179. Panchayati polity is divided into how many levels of governance – 3
  180. Who proposed the three-tier Panchayat Raj system in India? – Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
  181. Which state was the first to adopt Panchayati Raj – Rajasthan
  182. Which Article empowers the Indian Parliament to amend the Constitution? – Article 368
  183. Who was the proponent of Panchsheel’s principles? – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
  184. When Panchsheel was signed? – 1954
  185. Gujral doctrine is related with- Foreign Affairs
  186. What is unique about Kesavananda Bharati case (1973)? – Basic Structure Doctrine
  187. Where Basic Structure has been defined in the constitution? – Nowhere
  188. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the national anthem? – January 24, 1950
  189. Who is believed to have the most influence over the Constitution of India? – Government of India Act, 1935
  190. Which country has unwritten constitution – U.K.
  191. Who appoints a Speaker Pro Tem? – President
  192. Who administers oath to the Speaker Pro Tem? – President
  193. The concept of rule of law is a special feature of the constitutional system of – Britain
  194. Which country has no written constitution? – UK
  195. The original Constitution had-  395 Articles, 8 Schedules and 22 Parts.
  196. Under which article of the constitution can any person raise the matter of violation of fundamental rights directly in the Supreme Court – Article 32
  197. Under which article of the constitution can any person raise the matter of violation of fundamental rights directly in the High Court – Article 226
  198. Which judicial order the higher court issues to a lower court- Prohibition
  199. In which case ‘habeas corpus’ writ is issued – defective police detention
  200. Under which fundamental right ‘freedom of expression’ comes – right to freedom
  201. Fundamental rights of Indian citizens can be suspended – during national emergency
  202. In which article is there a provision of ‘Right to Equality’ – Article -14
  203. In which article is the protection of the interests of minorities considered – 29
  204. Directive Principles of State Policy in Indian Constitution were taken from the constitution of which country – Ireland
  205. The first Finance Commission was formed – in 1951
  206. In which year the President of India imposed emergency due to internal disorder – 1975
  207. To whom does the President submit his resignation- Vice-President
  208. Can Speaker of Lok Sabha suspend a member from the house? Yes
  209. Can Chairman of Rajya Sabha suspend a member from the house? No
  210. Who can suspend the member of Rajya Sabha? – Rajya Sabha itself by the resolution
  211. Who can dilute the suspension of members from the Rajya Sabha? – Rajya Sabha itself by the resolution
  212. If national emergency is approved by both the Houses of Parliament, the emergency continues for six months, and can be extended to an indefinite period with an approval of the Parliament- for every six months.
  213. A proclamation imposing President’s Rule must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament within-  two months from the date of its issue.
  214. If president rule is approved by both the Houses of Parliament, the President’s Rule continues for six months. It can be extended for a maximum period of three years with the approval of the Parliament- every six months.
  215. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament is appointed by- the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
  216. What is the purpose of MPLAD scheme? – Creation of durable assets
  217. Where can a nominated member of the parliament spend the fund of MPLAD scheme? – Anywhere in the country
  218. Who appoints the Chairman of all the Parliamentary Committees of the Lok Sabha? – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
  219. Who was the first Indian to become the President of the Central Legislature – Vitthalbhai Patel
  220. When the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) was established? – 2004
  221. Who was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha of Independent India – G.V. Mavalankar
  222. Where can a motion of no confidence be presented against the Union Council of Ministers – only in the Lok Sabha
  223. Most of the provisions in the Constitution of India can be amended by -the only Parliament
  224. Who determines the salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha – Parliament
  225. In either of the two houses of Parliament, it is compulsory to have a minimum number of members so that the work of the house can continue – one tenth of the total members
  226. Who joins the National Development Council – Chief Ministers of all states
  227. To become a Judge of High Court, at least how many years should have experience of advocacy as High Court Advocate – 10 years
  228. Judicial revision in Indian constitution is based on- the procedure established by law.
  229. Which sea separates the Italian Peninsula from the Balkan Peninsula? – The Adriatic Sea
  230. Azerbaijan and Russia boarder which water body? – Caspian Sea
  231. How Sargasso Sea, located in the North Atlantic Ocean is defined? – only by ocean currents
  232. Which sea runs parallel to Nile river? – Red Sea
  233. Which sea is between Adriatic Sea and Mediterranean Sea? – Ionian Sea
  234. Which Water body is shared by Lebanon? – Mediterranean Sea
  235. What is the common origin of Brahmaputra, Indus and Sutlej river? – Mansarovar Lake
  236. From where the river Yamuna originates? – Bandarpoonch peak in Uttarakhand
  237. From where Narmada river originates? – Amarkantak Hill
  238. From where Tapi River rises? – Satpura Range
  239. From where Godavari River rises? – Trimbakeshwar, near Nasik
  240. From where Krishna River rises? – Mahabaleshwar
  241. From where Cauvery River rises? – Talakaveri, Western Ghats
  242. From where the Mahanadi River rises? – Satpura Range
  243. Bara Shigri feeds which river of Indus system?  Chenab
  244. which glacier is the source of the Goriganga River? – Milam Glacier, Uttarakhand
  245. From where Nubra river originates? – Siachin
  246. Which river originates from Zemu Glacier? – Teesta River
  247. Which constitutional amendment was issued to enact the NJAC? – 99th CA
  248. Who was the PM of India when 9th schedule was implemented? – Jawaharlal Nehru
  249. In which Indian State the tribe ‘Irulur’ is found? – Tamil Nadu
  250. Which article of the constitution empowers Supreme Court to pass any order necessary for doing complete justice? – Article 142
  251. Which article of the Constitution of India confers upon the Supreme Court advisory jurisdiction? – Article 143
  252. Who said that the governor of the state should be a person from outside the state? – Sarkaria Commission Report
  253. Which state government constituted the Rajamanar Committee on Centre-State Relations? –  Tamil Nadu
  254. Where is Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank? – Beijing, China
  255. What percentage of the premium is to be paid by farmers in PM Fasal Bima Yojana for Rabi Crops? – 1.5 Percent
  256. Whats is the row material for the production of first generation Ethanol? – Food Grains
  257. Whats is the row material for the production of second generation Ethanol? – Agricultural Residues
  258. Who appoints Chief Information Commissioner of India? – PM, LOP, One Cabinet Minister
  259. Who declares adjourned sine die in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
  260. Who prorogue Lok Sabha after the declaration of Sine die? – President
  261. How many digits will be there in Unique ID for All Land Parcels? – 14
  262. Which state government has launched SAAMAR (Strategic Action for Alleviation of Malnutrition and Anemia Reduction) campaign to tackle malnutrition in the state? – Jharkhand
  263. Which state government has launched ‘Health for All’ to provide cashless insurance of up to Rs 5 lakh under a universal health scheme for all families of the state? – Rajasthan
  264. Where Niti Valley and Nelang Valley are located? – Uttarakhand
  265. What is the name of the umbrella scheme designed for the welfare of children? – Mission VATSALYA
  266. What is the objective of Mission Shakti? – Women Empowerment
  267. Who releases the Ease of Living Index? – Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
  268. Which city emerged as the top performer in the Million+ category? – Bengaluru
  269. Which city emerged as the top performer in less than Million category? – Shimla
  270. Which state inaugurated ‘Nectar of Life’, the first human milk bank in the state? – Kerala
  271. What is the name of the multipurpose that is aimed at monitoring and reviewing important programmes and projects of the Government of India? – PRAGATI
  272. What is the aim of SDG3? – Ensure Healthcare
  273. Why mission Indradhanush was launched? – Ensure immunisation
  274. What is the name of the scheme under which Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM) receive a cash benefit of Rs? 5,000 in three instalments? – Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
  275. What type of Hydrogen is extracted from fossil fuels? – Grey Hydrogen
  276. Which committee has been constituted by Nagaland government to register the State’s indigenous inhabitants? –  Abhijit Sinha Committee
  277. What is the rank of India in the terms of Nominal GDP? – 6th
  278. How the valuation of rupee will be affected if the RBI follows expansionary monetary policy? – Depreciation of Rupee
  279. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a mission led by the European Space Agency to detect and accurately measure gravitational waves.
  280. The noted Sanskrit poet Kalidasa is said to be the court poet of Chandragupta II.
  281. Where is The Sepahijala wildlife sanctuary? – Tripura
  282. Orang National park located on the bank of Brahmaputra River.
  283. Where is Gorumara National Park? –  Northern West Bengal
  284. Where is Sariska Tiger reserve? – Rajasthan
  285. Where is Daroji Wildlife Sanctuary? – Karnataka
  286. What term is used to denote long-term damage done by a tonne of CO2 emissions in a given year? – Social Cost of Carbon
  287. Gram is the most dominant pulse but only with a share of around 40 per cent in the total production
  288. At room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) the pH of pure water is 7.
  289. What is the other name of Hydrogen? – Protium
  290. Who first recognize DNA? – Johannes Friedrich Miescher in 1869.
  291. Who discovered the double helix structure of a DNA molecule? –  James Watson and Francis Crick
  292. What is the main constituent of body fat in humans? – Triglycerides
  293. Which part of the brain regulates the Body temperature? – Hypothalamus
  294. Where is the Pituitary Gland located? – In the Brain
  295. What is the normal body temperature? – 37 Degree C
  296. What is the formula for conversion of temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit?  – (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F
  297. Mitochondria: The powerhouse of the cell
  298. A hydrometer is an instrument used to determine specific gravity.
  299. Which script has been used by Gupta ruler on the Ashok Pillar at Allahabad? – Nagari script (Sanskit Language)
  300. Nagari script had evolved from the Brahmi script.
  301. The founder of the Gupta dynasty was Sri Gupta.
  302. Chandragupta I is considered to be the founder of the Gupta era which starts with his accession in A.D. 320.
  303. The Meherauli Iron Pillar inscription mentions the extensive conquests of Chandragupta I.
  304. The Allahabad Pillar inscription provides a detailed account of Samudragupta reign.
  305. Who wrote on the Allahabad Pillar? –  Harisena
  306. Samudragupta was hailed as ‘Indian Napoleon’.
  307. Samudragupta was called as Kaviraja because of his ability in composing verses.
  308. The famous Chinese pilgrim, Fahien visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II.
  309. Kumaragupta was the son and successor of Chandragupta II.
  310. Kumaragupta laid the foundation of the Nalanda University.
  311. Nagara and Dravidian styles of art evolved during Gupta period.
  312. The paintings of the Gupta period are seen at Bagh caves near Gwalior.
  313. Kalidasa was a court poet of Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya).
  314. Vishakhadatta was the author of Mudrarakshasa.
  315. The Panchatantra stories were composed by Vishnusarma during the Gupta period.
  316. Aryabhatta was the first to declare that the earth was spherical in shape and that it rotates on its own axis.
  317. The physician who lived during the Gupta age? – Vagbatha
  318. Which Chinese traveller visited Nalanda University? – Itsing
  319. The earliest description Bakhtiyar Khilji’s invasion Bihar is in Tabaqat-i Nasiri by Minhaj-i-Siraj.
  320. Who is known as Shakyamuni? – Gautam Buddha
  321. Who is the author of the book ‘The Golden House’? – Salman Rushdie
  322.  Father of modern chemistry – Lavoisier
  323. Citric acid is present in lemon.
  324. Rare gases are monoatomic.
  325. Oil of vitriol is sulphuric acid.
  326. Glycerol is used in the preparation of dynamite.
  327. Gypsum salt is Calcium sulphate.
  328. Bleaching action of chlorine is by decomposition.
  329. Gunpowder is a mixture of potassium nitrate powdered charcoal and sulphur.
  330. Nail polish remover contains acetone.
  331. The isotope atoms differ in the number of neutrons.
  332. IT industry contributes to 8 Percent of GDP.
  333. Effect of Globalization: When America sneezes, the world catches a cold?”
  334. Who was the first Indian Prime Minister to resign from office?- Morarji Desai
  335. Through which amendment ‘Right to Property’ was made a legal right? – 44th Amendment
  336. what is the full form of HTTP? –    Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  337. Largest Coffee?  – Brazil
  338. Country of Copper? – Zambia
  339. River Volga flows into? –Caspia Sea
  340. Largest Island in Mediterranean Sea? – Sicily
  341. The radiations used in the treatment of muscle ache are? – Infrared
  342. The breath test conducted by police to check drunken driver has which one of the following on the filter paper? – Potassium dichromate-sulfuric acid
  343. Which Enzyme Converts Glucose to ethyl alcohol? – Zymase
  344. Who turns Lime water milky? – CO2
  345. If the concentration of H+ ion increase, how the pH value of the medium is affected? – Acidity Increases
  346. If the PH value of the solution increase from 3 to 5, by what value will the concentration of Hydrogen will be affected? – 1000 times increase
  347. By what process the mixture of Sand and Napthalene is separated? – By Sublimation
  348. What is the numbers of sigma and pi bonds in benzene? – 12, 3
  349. What is the chemical formula of Urea? – CH4N2O
  350. Who is the poor conductor of heat among Glass and Mercury? – Mercury
  351. What is the name of female sex hormone? – Estrogen
  352. Who was given the Nobel Prize for developing treatment of Parkinson’s disease? –   Arvid Carlsson
  353. Which area of the human tongue is sensitive to bitterness? – Posterior Part
  354. What is Ginger? – Stem
  355. If a part of the Plan has nodes and Internodes, then it is called? – Stem
  356. Who is the sweetest Sugar? – Fructose
  357. What is the chemical formula of Glucose/ Fructose? – C6H12O6
  358. Who was the first Arab State to sign a peace deal with Israel? – Egypt
  359. From where Gandhiji started the magazine Harijan? – Pune
  360. From which state Bhudan Andolan started? – Andhra Pradesh
  361. Who was the first Nobel Prize winner from India? – Rabindranatha Tagore
  362. Who was the first US President? – George Washington
  363. Which US President resigned from his Post? – Richard Nixon
  364. Who wrote Bharat Bharati? – Maithali Sharan Gupta
  365. Who wrote Neel Darpan? – Deenbandhu Mitra
  366. Which Mughal Emperor established Karkhana for painting? – Akbar
  367. Who enforced the dual system of governance in Bengal? – Robert Clive
  368. The battle of Wandiwash was fought between the English and whom? – French
  369. Where did Kol mutiny took place? – Singhbhum
  370. Whom led Kol mutiny in 1831? – Buddho Bhagat
  371. What was the capital of Avanti? – Ujjain
  372. Which Janpada was ruled by Pradyota? – Avanti
  373. What was the capital of Vatsa? – Kausambi
  374. Who was a contemporary of both Vardhamana Mahavira and Gautama Buddha? – Bimbisara
  375. Where is Bharhut Stupa located? –  Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, central India
  376. Who was instrumental in convening the First Buddhist Council at Rajagriha soon after the death of the Buddha? – Ajatasatru
  377. Who was the immediate successor of Ajatasatru? – Udayin
  378. Who laid the foundation of the new capital of Magadh at Pataliputra situated at the confluence of the two rivers, the Ganges and the Son? – Udayin
  379. Who succeeded the Haryana dynasty? – Saisunga
  380. During whom reign the second Buddhist Council was held at Vaishali? – Kalasoka (Saisunga Dynasty)
  381. Which gas is used for artificial ripening of green fruits? – acetylene (ethyne)
  382. Who is the central element (Metal) in Chlorophyll? – Magnesium
  383. The group of Pancreatic Cells called ‘islets of Langerhans’ is responsible for the secretion of which agent? – Insulin
  384. What is the name of a small organ at the base of the brain that produces substances that affect growth and sexual development (hormones)? – Pituitary
  385. What type of Hormone is produced by Thyroid gland? – Calcitonin
  386. When Vernacular Press Act was passed? – 1878
  387. Who was the viceroy of India when the Vernacular Press Act was passed? – Lord Litton
  388. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act in 1882? – Lord Rippon
  389. Who is the largest trading partner of India? – USA
  390. On what basis a micro enterprise is defined? – investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 lakh
  391. What type of unemployment occurs when workers move from one job to another job? – Frictional unemployment
  392. Who established the Independent Labour Party? – Ambedkar
  393. Who presided over the Karachi session of Indian National Congress in 1931? – Sardar Patel
  394. Who among the following were official Congress negotiators with Cripps Mission? – Pandit Nehru and Maulana Azad
  395. What is the percentage of net sown area in India? – 47 Percent
  396. What is the name of the treaty signed between Shivaji and Jai Singh in 1965? – Treaty of Purander
  397. What was the Causes for the Rise of Jainism and Buddhism in India? – complex rituals and sacrifices
  398. Where Mahavir was born at? –  Kundagram near Vaishali
  399. Where lord Mahavir died? – Pava near Rajagriha
  400. Which is the most cultivated crop in India? – Rice
  401. Who is called Deshbandhu? – C R Dash
  402. Who set up the ‘Ghadar Party’ in USA? – Lala Hardyal
  403. Which day was declared as ‘Purna Swaraj Day’ by the Indian National Congress? –  26-01-1930
  404. When was Bihar established? – 22 March 1912
  405. Who is known as Bihar Kesari? – Shri Krishna Singh
  406. Who was the president of INC held at Patna in 1912? – Shri Krishna Singh
  407. Where did Madam Cama unfurl India’s tricolour flag of freedom? –  Stuttgart
  408. Which is the largest island of Japan in terms of the geographical area? – Honshu
  409. Which state has maximum percentage of Tribal Population? – Mizoram
  410. Which is the largest district (area wise)? – Kutch
  411. Which is the smallest district (area wise)? – Mahe, Puducherry
  412. The State of India with maximum number of wildlife sanctuaries is? – Maharashtra
  413. Which state tops in the list of leading producer of Solar Energy? – Rajasthan
  414. Who is the leading producer of Solar energy in world? – China
  415. Which state tops in the list of leading producer of Wind Energy? – Tamil Nadu
  416. Who is the leading producer of Wind energy in world? – China
  417. Valmiki National Park is situated along the bank of which river? – Gandak
  418. What is the chemical formula of Pyrite? – FeS2
  419. Who is the leading producer of Pyrite? – Bihar
  420. Where Limestone is found in Bihar? –  Kaimur
  421. Where Piedmont Soil is found in Bihar? – West Champaran
  422. What is the Geographical area of Bihar? – 94163 km²
  423. What is the North-South extension of Bihar? – 345 km
  424. What is the East-West extension of Bihar? – 483 km
  425. What is the Easternmost District of Bihar? – Kishanganj
  426. What is the Westernmost District of Bihar? – Kaimur
  427. What is the Northernmost District of Bihar? – West Champaran
  428. What is the Southernmost District of Bihar? – Gaya
  429. In which district of Bihar, the Shiwalik Range is located? – West Champaran
  430. What is the State animal of Bihar? – Ox
  431. What is the state bird of Bihar? – Sparrow
  432. What percentage of geographical area of Bihar constitute the forest area? – 7.27 %
  433. Who is the head of national commission for women? – Rekha Sharma
  434. Which company established factory in Patna in 1632? – Dutch
  435. With which sector the project Bharatmala is related? – Highway Development
  436. Who prepares the Index of Industrial Production? – Central Statistical Office
  437. From which college, Gandhiji studied in Gujarat? – Samaldas College Bhavanagar
  438. About which Act, Jawaharlal Nehru Had said, “We were provided with a car with all brakes and no engine”? – Act of 1935
  439. For how many days did Dandi March last? – 24 days
  440. Who is the author of the popular song, sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Hamare Dil Mein Hai? – Bismil Azimabadi
  441. Who coined the term Hindu rate of growth of GDP in 1978? –  Professor Rajkrishna in 1978
  442. Who determines the minimum support price in India? – The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices
  443. What is the child sex ratio in Bihar? – 935
  444. Who started the newspaper Searchlight in Bihar in 1918? – Murali Mohan Prasad
  445. Which constitutional remedies is also known as post-mortem? – Certiorari
  446. In which district of Bihar, Bhimbandh wildlife sanctuary is located? – Munger
  447. What is the number of districts situated on the bank of Ganga river in Bihar State? – 12
  448. Which state of Bihar has the longest stretch of River Ganga? – Patna
  449. Which type of rocks are also known as Pre-Cambrian rocks or the oldest rocks of the earth’s crust? – Archean rocks
  450. What is the name of the rock that are devoid of any form of remnants of life in them? – Azoid
  451. Which type of Rocks are rich in iron ore, manganese, lead, zinc, gold, silver etc.? – Dharwar
  452. The Champions series of mountains are famous for which metal? – Gold
  453. Which mountain series is famous for Green Marble? – Champaner series
  454. Where the Toda tribes are found? – Nilgiri Mountain
  455. Where Kotas tribes are found? – Tamil Nadu
  456. North Koel river is the tributary of which river? – Son
  457. Which hill is closer to Kanyakumari? – Cardamom Hills
  458. Where the Western Ghat and Eastern Ghat meet? – Nilgiri Hill
  459. Which country is the largest producer of uranium in the world? – Kazakhstan
  460. Which country is the largest producer of saffron in the world? – Iran
  461. Which district of Bihar has recorded the highest density of population (per sq. km) as per the 2011 Census? – Sheohar
  462. Out of its total length of 2525 Km of Ganga river, what proportion lies in Bihar? – 445 Km
  463. Who led cultivators in Bihar during the Non-cooperation Movement? – Swami Vidyanand
  464. Who was the President of the Indian National Congress at the time of partition of India? – JB Kripalani
  465. Who led the Sarabandi Campaign of 1922? – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  466. Which viceroy who followed aggressive policy towards Afghanistan? – Lord Lytton
  467. Under whose leadership was suppression of Thugs achieved in India? – Captain Sleeman
  468. Who appointed Captain William Sleeman for the suppression of the thugs in India? – Lord William Bentick
  469. Who was the first European to enter in Bihar? – Portuguese
  470. Who used Hooghly as a base for piracy in the Bay of Bengal? – Portuguese
  471. Which Delhi Sultan built maximum number of canals? – Firuz Shah Tughluq
  472. Who established Ashta Pradhan? – Shivaji
  473. In medieval India, why was Mansabdari system introduced? – Facilitating recruitment to the army
  474. Mughal painting reached its zenith under which Mughal emperor? – Jahangir
  475. Which script is also called the Gandhari Script? – Kharosthi Script
  476. Who was known for his work on medicine during the Gupta period? – Sushruta
  477. Who is called as the ‘Father of Plastic Surgery’ in India? – Sushruta
  478. When Ashok was born? – 304 BC

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