Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

BPSC Test 06

Table of Contents


#1. The Chotonagpur plateau is primarily composed of



#2. Abhinava Bharat a Secret Society of the Revolutionaries was organised by

#3. Who was the leader of Ghadar Party?

#4. The headquarter of the Eastern Railway is located

#5. Which book depicts the plight of Indigo Cultivators?

#6. Bleaching action of chlorine is by

#7. Chilka Lake is a

#8. Plaster of Paris is produced by heating

#9. The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state

#10. The term PVC used in plastic industry stands for

#11. The highest peak in India, K, is also known as

#12. Who gave the slogan "Back to Vedas?

#13. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in

#14. Which among the following Harappan sites is not located in Gujrat?

#15. Who wrote the book "Ghulamgiri"?

#16. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?

#17. Chemical name of vinegar is

#18. The Dogras inhabit mainly

#19. Party founded by Subhash Bose was

#20. In India the second most populated district (Census 2011):

#21. Significance of Lahore Resolution (1940) of the Muslim League was

#22. The mountain range lying between India and Myanmar is

#23. Muslim League had accepted Mountbatten Plan because

#24. Who was the writer of "Buddha Charita"?

#25. When did Vasco-da-Gama come to India?

Answer: A

#26. Who built the Ibadatkhana at Fatehpur Sikri?

Answer: C

#27. Malik Kafur was general of

Answer: D

#28. Rohilkhand region lies in

#29. Where did Gautama Buddha attain Nirvana (enlightenment)?

Answer: C

#30. Who wrote Mrichhakatikam?

Answer: B

#31. Who among the following succeeded Samudragupta as the next ruler of the Gupta dynasty?

Answer: A

#32. Leader of Lucknow during the revolt of 1857 was

#33. The inscriptions of Ashoka and the Brahmi scripts were deciphered by

Answer: B

#34. Which among the following places have given the earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent?

Answer: B

#35. "Indian Independence League" was founded by

#36. The Constitution of India was adopted on

#37. President of Indian National Congress at the time of independence was

#38. Which one of the following offices has not been provided by the Indian Constitution?

#39. Who is the author of the book 'Argumentative Indian-writing on Indian History, Culture and Identity"?

#40. Who came to India during the time of Chandragupta Maurya?

#41. Which article of the Constitution of India describes the organisation of village panchayats?

#42. Ombudsman institution was originated in

#43. The finance commission is constituted with one chairperson and number of other members

#44. India imports maximum gold from which country?

#45. Right to vote and to be elected in India is a

Answer: C

#46. The highest Peak in the Andaman Island is

#47. In the Constitution of India, promotion of international peace and security is included in the

Answer: B

#48. What will follow if a Monetary Bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?

Answer: A

#49. The ideal of 'Welfare State in the Indian Constitution in enshrined in its

Answer: B

#50. The fundamental object of "Panchayati Raj system is to ensure which among the following?

Answer: C

#51. The power to increase the number of judges in the Supreme Court of India is vested in

Answer: B

#52. In India Karst landforms are formed in

#53. All electromagnetic wave have the same

#54. Which of the following is not required while considering GNP (Gross National Product)?

#55. Consider the following statements about Regional Comprehensive Economic Programme (RCEP).
1. It is an economic cooperation for the China led free trade.
2. It is a counter cooperation for the America led trans-Pacific partnership.
3. In the countries involved in this cooperation Indian Professionals will have job market.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

Answer: D

#56. Mark the correct date and year in which the Indian Constitution came into being

Answer: D

#57. According to the Constitution of India it is the duty of the President to present which of the following on the desk of the Parliament --
1. Recommendations of Union Finance Commission
2. Report of the Public Accounts Committee.
3. Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
4. Report of the National Scheduled Caste Commission.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Answer: C

#58. Which of the following organisation released Agricultural Marketing and Farm Friendly Reforms Index?

Answer: A

#59. NITI Aayog is set up by

#60. _______ is the only active volcano in India.

#61. Which Article of the Constitution of India guarantees to all citizens the freedom of speech and expression?

Answer: D

#62. On average, air contains % of water vapour

#63. Which Schedule of the Constitution of India distributes power between the Union and the States?

Answer: D

#64. The eighty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of India altered a Directive Principle of the Constitution to provide for

Answer: A

#65. Where did Gautama Buddha deliver his first sermon?

#66. District Judge in a state are appointed by the

Answer: A

#67. Life span of red blood cells is

#68. The Impeachment of the President of India can be initiated in

Answer: A

#69. Consider the following statements:
The Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts
1. consist of not more than 25 members of the Lok Sabha
2. examine public expenditure not only from legal and formal point of view to discover technical irregularities but also from the point of view of economy, prudence. wisdom and propriety.
3. examine the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

Answer: B

#70. Which Amendment of the constitution provided constitutional status to the Panchayats?

#71. Power to grant pardons are enjoyed by which of the following constitutional authorities?

Answer: B

#72. Article 280 of the Indian Constitution lays down the establishment of the

Answer: D

#73. If we add salt to pure water, its boiling point will

#74. The Panchayati Raj System of India has

Answer: C

#75. Financial inclusion as per RBI means

#76. Who was referred to as 'Sandrocottus' in the writings of the Greeks?

#77. A bomb is dropped at a point from a moving aeroplane. The pilot observes that

Answer: B

#78. Which of the following is used in beauty parlours for hair setting?

Answer: B

#79. The number of milk teeth in man is

#80. Which of the following fertilizers has more nitrogen content?

Answer: A

#81. Good absorbers of heat are

Answer: C

#82. Ventilators are provided at the top of the room

Answer: C

#83. Voice of your friend can be recognized by

Answer: B

#84. Light year is

Answer: C

#85. Twinkling of stars is on account of

Answer: D

#86. Geomorphologists opine that change of the course of the Kosi river resulted in

#87. To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush teeth regularly. The nature of the toothpaste commonly used is

#88. Which one among the following is the main ingradient in cement?

#89. Who described the Quit India Movement (1942) as by far the most serious rebellion since 1857?

#90. Brass is a mixture of

#91. The percentage increase in the surface area of a cube each side doubled is

#92. Who wrote Kitab-ul-Hind?

#93. The food that gives more calories per unit mass of food is

Answer: C

#94. ECG records

Answer: B

#95. Bio gas consists of

Answer: B

#96. Noise pollution is created if noise is in excess to

Answer: C

#97. If persons addicted to alcohol, the liver gets damaged because it

Answer: C

#98. At magnetic poles, the angle of dip is

Answer: D

#99. Which section of the Indian Penal Code deals with adultery?

Answer: A

#100. Executive power of the state is bestowed on the Governor by which article of the Indian Constitution?

Answer: C

#101. Who is the author of Flood of Fire?

Answer: C

#102. What is the currency of Iran?

Answer: A

#103. Which province of India is the first to have complete organic farming?

Answer: D

#104. Who founded the "All India Harijan Samaj in 1932?

Answer: D

#105. Who is the founder of the Ghadar Party?

Answer: B

#106. Where was the Provisional Government of Independent India (Azad Hind) formed?

Answer: A

#107. The famous INA trials took place at the Red Fort, Delhi in

Answer: A

#108. Where did the congress working committee first accept the idea of Quit India Movement?

Answer: A

#109. Which leader died on the day the Non cooperation movement was launched in 1920?

Answer: A

#110. At which session of the Indian National Congress was "Vande Mataram' sung for the first time?

Answer: C

#111. When was the Non-cooperation movement suspended?

Answer: C

#112. The first session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by

Answer: B

#113. The provision for separate electorate for Hindus and Muslims was made in

Answer: C

#114. In which session did the Indian National Congress declare Poorna Swaraj (Complete Independence) to be its goal?

Answer: A

#115. Which important event immediately preceded the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?

Answer: D

#116. The famous Pakistan resolution was passed

Answer: A

#117. Which Act was known as "Black-Bill"?

Answer: A

#118. Who once remarked-Nehru is a patriot while Jinnah is a politician."?

Answer: C

#119. The Khilafat movement was started by

Answer: D

#120. Who said- "The Simon Commission Report should be thrown on a heap of rubbish"?

Answer: B

#121. Which day was declared as the Direct Action Day by the Muslim League?

Answer: B

#122. 6th April, 1930 is well known in the history of India because this date is associated with

Answer: A

#123. Which battle established the supremacy of the British rule in India?

Answer: B

#124. Kuka movement is associated with which of the following states?

Answer: C

#125. The idea of Pakistan was first conceived by

Answer: A

#126. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year

Answer: B

#127. Which of the following movements immediately followed the partition of Bengal?

Answer: B


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