Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Periodic Winds : Causes & Effects

Periodic winds are global wind patterns that result from the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the sun. These winds are an essential component of the Earth’s climate and play a significant role in the distribution of heat and moisture around the planet. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of periodic winds, how they work, and their impact on our planet.

Periodic Winds
Periodic Winds

What are Periodic Winds?

Periodic winds are large-scale wind patterns that occur globally and are driven by the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface. It’s direction changes with change in season. Monsoon is one of the types of Periodic Wind.

Monsoon winds

Monsoon winds are seasonal winds that occur in regions with a seasonal shift in the direction of prevailing wind. The term “monsoon” typically refers to the seasonal wind shift that occurs in South Asia, but similar phenomena occur in other parts of the world as well, such as Africa, Australia, and the Americas.
In South Asia, the monsoon winds are caused by the differential heating of land and sea. During the summer months, the landmass of the Indian subcontinent heats up more than the surrounding ocean, causing a low-pressure zone to form over the land. This low-pressure zone draws in moist air from the Indian Ocean, resulting in heavy rainfall over much of the region.
During the winter months, the reverse happens, with high pressure forming over the land and low pressure over the ocean. This results in a shift in the direction of the prevailing winds, bringing dry air from the north and northeast.


In conclusion, periodic winds are a crucial part of the Earth’s climate and play a significant role in regulating the planet’s temperature and weather patterns. Understanding how these winds work and their impact on our planet is essential to addressing global climate change, ensuring food security, and promoting sustainable development.

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