Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Sangam age

The Sangam age was a golden era in the history of ancient India that lasted from 300 BCE to 300 CE. The term “Sangam” refers to the literary assemblies or gatherings of scholars and poets who wrote and composed literature during this period. This era was marked by significant social, cultural, and political changes that shaped the history of India.

During the Sangam age, the southern part of India was ruled by three powerful dynasties: the Chera, Chola, and Pandya. These dynasties were known for their military prowess, maritime trade, and cultural achievements. The Sangam age saw the flourishing of a rich tradition of Tamil literature, which reflects the diverse aspects of life in ancient South India.

One of the most notable contributions of the Sangam age is the collection of poems and songs known as the Sangam literature. These works include the “Purananuru,” “Kalittokai,” and “Tirukkural,” which provide valuable insights into the social, economic, and political conditions of the time. The Sangam literature is an important source of information on the life and culture of the people of ancient South India.

In addition to literature, the Sangam age also saw the development of various arts and crafts, including music, dance, and architecture. The magnificent temples of Madurai and Thanjavur, built during this era, are a testament to the architectural prowess of the people of the Sangam age.

The economy of the Sangam age was based on agriculture, trade, and commerce. The region was well-connected with the rest of the world through its ports and seafaring trade. The people of the Sangam age were known for their expertise in metalworking and handicrafts, which were highly sought after by other civilizations.

In conclusion, the Sangam age was a period of great cultural, economic, and political achievements in the history of ancient India. The rich tradition of Tamil literature, the development of various arts and crafts, and the flourishing of trade and commerce continue to influence the culture and history of South India even today.