Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum


Geomorphology is the study of landforms and the processes that shape the Earth’s surface. It is a subfield of physical geography that focuses on understanding how physical, chemical, and biological processes interact to create the diverse landscapes we see today. Geomorphologists use various methods, including field observations, remote sensing, and geospatial analysis, to study the evolution and development of landscapes over time.

Some key areas of study within geomorphology include:

• Erosion and weathering: These processes shape the Earth’s surface by breaking down rocks and soils and carrying the resulting materials away.

• Tectonic activity: Plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanic activity play a crucial role in shaping the Earth’s surface and creating landforms such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus.

• Fluvial processes: The movement of water in rivers and streams can cause significant changes to the landscape, including erosion, sedimentation, and the formation of valleys and waterfalls.

• Glacial processes: The movement of glaciers and ice sheets can have a major impact on the Earth’s surface, including the creation of valleys, lakes, and moraines.

• Coastal processes: The movement of waves, tides, and currents along the coast can cause significant changes to the landscape, including the formation of beaches, cliffs, and dunes.

Geomorphologists also study the impact of human activities on the landscape, including deforestation, urbanization, and the construction of dams and other structures. By understanding the processes that shape the Earth’s surface, geomorphologists can contribute to more sustainable land-use practices and better management of natural resources.

In conclusion, geomorphology is an important field of study that provides a comprehensive understanding of the Earth’s surface and the processes that shape it. Whether studying natural processes or the impact of human activities, geomorphologists play a critical role in understanding and managing the Earth’s landscapes.