Table of Contents
#1. Which one of the following is not the unit of heat?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Watt is a unit of Power.
#2. The liquid/liquids used in simple barometer is/are
Ans: (B)
Solution: Mercury is commonly used in barometers because its height of the column can be a reasonable size due to higher density so that to measure atmospheric pressure.
#3. Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Uranium is a radioactive substance.
#4. Which one of the following is a renewable source of energy?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The most popular renewable energy sources are:
- Solar energy.
- Wind energy.
- Hydro energy.
- Tidal energy.
- Geothermal energy.
- Biomass energy
#5. Starch is a
Ans: (C)
Solution: Starch is a polysaccharide comprising glucose monomers joined in α 1,4 linkages.
#6. Pasteurization is related to
Ans: (A)
Solution: The process of pasteurisation involves heating milk to 71.7°C for at least 15 seconds (and no more than 25 seconds). … Once the milk has been heated, it is then cooled very quickly to less than 3°C.
#7. Ozone hole is caused by
Ans: (C)
Solution: The ozone hole has developed because people have polluted the atmosphere with chemicals containing chlorine and bromine. The primary chemicals involved are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs for short), halons, and carbon tetrachloride.
#8. Who among the following environmentalists is known by the name of Jal Purush?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Rajendra Chaudhary is known as the ‘Waterman of India’. He is the founder of Tarun Bahrat Sangh which works for revival of rivers such as Aravari,Tiba etc in Rajasthan.
#9. Who was the protagonist of Chipko Movement?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Sunderlal Bahuguna (passed away recently in 2021) was an Indian environmentalist and Chipko movement leader.
#10. In which year was the Wildlife Protection Act enforced in India?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for protection of plants and animal species. Before 1972, India had only five designated national parks.
#11. Which one of the following States recorded the lowest population density in Census 2011?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest record of population density having 17 per square kilometre.
#12. Which one of the following countries is not a member of G-8?
Ans: (C)
Solution: G8 Countries 2021
- France.
- Germany.
- Italy.
- Japan.
- United Kingdom.
- United States.
- Canada.
- Russia.
G-8 group has turned into G-7 after suspension of Russia.
#13. The author of "The Killer Instinct" is
Ans: (C)
Solution: O.P. Sabharwal is the author of the book Killer Instinct. This book tells about rescue and raid mission worldwide.
#14. Which of the following is not one of the BRICS countries?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
#15. 'National Unity Day' is observed in India in the memory of which national leader on his birthday?
Ans: (C)
Solution: 31 October is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Sardar Patel who had a major role in the political integration of India.
#16. The River 'Tawa' is a tributary of
Ans: (B)
Solution: Tawa river is the longest tributary of Narmada, originates in the Mahadeo hills in Betul (Madhya Pradesh), before joining the Narmada in Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh).

#17. Where is the mausoleum of Sher Shah situated?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The tomb of Sher Shah Suri is in the Sasaram town of Bihar.
#18. What was the name of Shivaji's Guru?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Ramdas was an Indian Marathi Hindu saint, philosopher, poet, writer and spiritual master.
#19. Who is known as the custodian of the Indian Constitution?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The Supreme Court is the custodian of the Constitution of India and the higher judiciary has played a crucial role in supporting the separation of powers, an important feature of our democracy.
#20. Which kind of Panchayati Raj system was recommended by the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Balwant Rai Mehta committee recommended for the establishment of a three-tier Panchayati raj system:
- At village-level grama panchayats
- At block-level panchayat samitis, and
- At district-level Zila Parishads.
#21. Which is the first ever State constituted on linguistic basis?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The first state to be created on a linguistic basis was Andhra in 1953, created out of the Telugu-speaking northern parts of Madras State.
#22. Who of the following was associated with the Chittagong Armoury Raid?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Chittagong armoury raid took place on 18 April 1930 led by freedom fighter Surya Sen.
#23. In which year was the Wavell Plan presented?
Ans: (D)
Solution: On 14 June 1945 Lord Wavell at the Shimla Conference announced a plan for a new Executive Council in which all members except the Viceroy and the Commander in Chief would be Indians.
The secretary of state of India, L.S.Amery, officially launched the Wavell plan in London.
The Wavell Plan was first in 1945
#24. The 'World Economic Outlook Report' is released by
Ans: (B)
Solution: It is a survey by the IMF that is usually published twice a year in the months of April and October and the WEO Update is published in January and July.
#25. Who authored the book "Ignitis Minds" ?
Ans: (C)
#26. Who was the author of "Shahnama"?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Under the patronage of the Samanid dynasty, Ferdowsi began his epic poem in 977, taking thirty-three years to complete it. The Shahnameh was written at a time when modern Persian had started to flourish.
#27. Which of the kings has been mentioned as 'Piydassi' and 'Devanampriya" in inscriptions ?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The ruler Ashoka is mentioned in the form of Piyadasi and Devanampriyra in inscriptions.
#28. Who was the author of 'Indica'?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Megasthenes, was the author of Indica. He was sent to Chandragupta Maurya’s court by the Greek ruler Seleucus Nicator. In the book, he records his impressions of India of the Mauryan period.
#29. In which year Regulating Act was passed?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Regulating Act of 1773 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain intended to overhaul the management of the East India Company’s rule in India.
#30. In which year Sati System was abolished by William Bentinck?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The Bengal Sati Regulation which banned the Sati practice in all jurisdictions of British India was passed on December 4, 1829 by the then Governor-General Lord William Bentinck.
#31. Which Mughal emperor is known by the name of 'Rangila' ?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Muhammad Shah is often referred to as “Muhammad Shah Rangila”, also sometimes as “Bahadur Shah Rangila”.
During his reign, Maratha under Baji Rao for the first in Mughal history raided Delhi.
#32. Whom had Guru Nanak appointed his successor ?
Ans: (D)
Solution: In 1539 Guru Nanak Ji died, having first appointed Guru Angad ji as his successor.
#33. Charles Wood's Despatch was related with which of the following ?
Ans: (A)
Solution: In 1854 at the time of Lord Dalhousie, the then Governor-General of India, Wood suggested that primary schools must adopt vernacular languages, high schools must adopt Anglo-vernacular language and at college-level English should be the medium of education. This is known as Wood’s dispatch.
#34. World Earth Day is celebrated on
Ans: (A)
Solution: April 22 is Earth Day, an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection.
#35. In which of the following regions are Pygmies found?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Pygmies are found in rainforests of Africa.
#36. The Great Barrier Reef is located in
Ans: (A)
Solution: Great Barrier Reef, world’s largest coral reef complex, located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It extends for more than 1250 miles.

#37. The pollutants to cause maximum damage to ozone layer are
Ans: (D)
Solution: When chlorine and bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in the stratosphere, they destroy ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created. Therefore maximum damage is by CFC.
#38. What are roaring forties, furious fifties and shrieking sixties ?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Roaring 40s (winds found between 40 and 50 deg latitudes), Furious 50s (winds found between 50 and 60 deg latitudes)and Screaming 60s (winds found between 60 and 70 deg. latitudes) are winds that batter the Southern Ocean, on the fringes of Antarctica.

#39. Which one of the following is known as the 'coffee port' of the world?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

#40. The line joining the areas having the same rainfall is called
Ans: (B)
Solution: An isohyet or isohyetal line is a line joining points of equal rainfall on a map in a given period/time.
#41. Alaknanda and Bhagirathi meet at
Ans: (B)
Solution: Alaknanda and Bhagirathi are two head streams of holy river Ganga. Alaknanda river is about 190 KM long and originates from Satopanth glacier and Bhagirathi Kharak glacier. Devprayag is the place where the rivers Alaknanda & Bhagirathi confluence.

#42. Sabarimala is situated in which of the following states?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Sabarimala is a Hindu pilgrimage centre located at the Periyar Tiger Reserve in the Western Ghat in the perinad village Pathanamthitta district in Kerala.
#43. Which State of India has borders with three countries namely Nepal, Bhutan and China?
Ans: (D)

#44. Bailadila is production of
Ans: (A)
Solution: Bailadila (Chhatisgarh) is famous for producing iron which is used for steel making. The extracted iron ore is mainly Hematite (Fe2O3).

#45. The largest mica producing State of India is
Ans: (D)
Solution: Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of mica. Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh is famous for its mica (crude) production.
#46. Talcher is the famous coal field of
Ans: (D)
Solution: Talcher Coalfield is located in Angul district in the Indian state of Odisha, in the valley of the Brahmani.
#47. What is the base of Human Development Index?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The HDI combines three dimensions:
- A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth
- Education index: Mean years of schooling and Expected years of schooling
- A decent standard of living: GNI per capita
#48. The basic objective of fifth five year plan was
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Fifth Five Year Plan India was chalked out for the period spanning 1974 to 1979 with the objectives of increasing the employment level, reducing poverty, and attaining self-reliance.
#49. The first general election under the Indian Constitution was held in
Ans: (C)
Solution: General elections were held in India between 25 October 1951 and 21 February 1952. This was the first elections to the Lok Sabha and most of the state legislatures took place simultaneously after independence in August 1947.It was conducted under the provisions of the Indian Constitution which was adopted on 26 November 1949.
#50. Who has termed Constitution a sacred document?
Ans: (A)
Solution: B R Ambedkar has termed Constitution a sacred document.
#51. Which Amendment of the Constitution relates to Anti-defection Law?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Tenth Schedule – popularly known as the Anti-Defection Act – was included in the Constitution via the 52nd Amendment Act, 1985 and sets the provisions for disqualification of elected members on the grounds of defection to another political party.
#52. The payment of foreign trade is related with
Ans: (D)
Solution: The balance of payments (BOP) is the method by which countries measure all of the international monetary transactions within a certain period. The BOP consists of three main accounts: the current account, the capital account, and the financial account.
#53. What do we mean by sustainable economic development ?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Sustainable development is an approach to economic planning that attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the quality of the environment for future generations.
#54. 'NABARD' is related
Ans: (C)
Solution: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established on 12 July 1982 by an Act of the Parliament. NABARD, as a Development Bank, is mandated for providing and regulating credit and other facilities for the promotion and development of agriculture, small scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other rural crafts and other allied economic activities in rural areas with a view to promoting integrated rural development and securing prosperity of rural areas.
#55. From which country tradition of written Constitution began?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The practice of a written constitution began in America.
#56. Why the Turkunde Committee was constituted?
Ans: (A)
Solution: A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Justice Tarkunde by Jaiprakash Narayan for electoral reforms. He recommended the 18 years as voting age which was included by 61st amendment of 1988.
#57. Who had suggested merger of Finance and Planning Commission ?
Ans: (C)
Solution: M.V. Mathur advised the merger of the Finance Commission and the Planning Commission. The first Finance Commission was set up in 1951 and now it is fifteen so far.
#58. Which is not a part of Tsunami effected area?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Tsunamis are generated by earthquakes of a magnitude of more than 8.5 in the oceans. One such tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004, led to heavy destruction along the coast area of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, and Andaman and Nicobar islands of India.

#59. In which sea maximum salanity is obtained?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Dead Sea has a maximum salinity of 240 per thousand.

#60. Which is not a primary colour from the followings?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Red, yellow and blue are primary colours.
#61. Who discovered that life is in plants and tree?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose was the first to prove that plants are like any other life in 1901.
#62. Bhil Tribe population is largest in
Ans: (C)
Solution: Bhil is the largest tribal group in India as per 2011 Census. They constitute approximately 38% of the total scheduled tribal population of India.

#63. State who has first implemented 73rd Constitutional Amendment ?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Rajasthan (Nagaur District ) was the first state to establish Panchayati Raj. Rajasthan was followed by Andhra Pradesh.
#64. The first woman to climb Mount Everest was
Ans: (A)
Solution: A Japanese woman named Junko Tabei became the first-ever woman to climb the world’s highest peak of Mount Everest. She also became the first woman in the world to do an expedition of all “Seven Summits” — the tallest peak on each continent across the globe. According to the Japanese broadcaster NHK, Tabei passed away at the age of 77 after she lost her battle to Cancer.
#65. 'Fathometer' is used to measure
Ans: (C)
Solution: An instrument used in measuring the depth of water by the time required for a sound wave to travel from surface to bottom and for its echo to be returned.
#66. A person of which blood group can be a universal donor?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Group O can donate red blood cells to anybody. It’s the universal donor.
#67. The intensity of earthquake is measured by
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Richter scale measures the magnitude of earthquakes, and the Mercalli scale measures their intensity. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded by seismographs.
#68. Alexander Fleming discovered
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish physician and microbiologist, best known for discovering the world’s first broadly effective antibiotic substance, which he named penicillin.
#69. Which is the longest day of the year?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The longest day of the year is the summer solstice, which falls around 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere, and 21 December in the Southern Hemisphere.
#70. Under which ‘Five year Plan’ was the decision to establish a socialistic pattern of society taken?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The resolution for the establishment of the socialist structure was done in the Fourth Five Year Plan, 1969-74.
#71. Which committee recommended for three tier Panchayati Raj system in India?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Ashok Mehta Committee (1977) Recommendations:
1. It recommended for the ‘two tier’ for of local governance in place of three tier form of governance.
2. The Jila Parishad to be the first point of decentralization.
3. There should be participation by political parties at all levels.
4. PRIs should have the power of taxation in order to mobilize their resources.
5. There should be a mechanism to check the expenditure at the district level.
GVK Rao Committee,1985: This was another attempt to rectify the shortcomings of the panchayati raj institutions.
The emphasis was to strengthen the zila Parishad as the unit of planning at the district level.
L M Singhvi committee, 1986: It talked about the constitutional safeguard to the local bodies.
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee: The committee recommended a three-tier Panchayati Raj system namely Gram Panchayats at the village level, Panchayat Samiti at the block level and the Zila Parishad at the district level.
#72. After establishment of Bhartiya Janta Party, who became its first president?
Ans: (B)
Solution: A.B. Vajpayee was its first president of BJP.
#73. Which article of the Indian constitution provides the provision of Vidhan Parishad in the state?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The provisions of the State Legislative Council are placed in Article 171 of the Indian Constitution.
#74. In which year was the communist party of India divided into two parties- CPI and CPIM?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Communist Party of India split in 1964 in two parties, CPI And CPI(M).
#75. Example of Inland Drainage River is
Ans: (B)
Solution: Ghagra is an example of the Inland Drainage River. It is the most important river of inland drainage. It is a seasonal stream that rises on the lower slopes of the Himalayas and forms a boundary between Haryana and Punjab.
It gets lost in the dry sands of Rajasthan near Hanumangarh after traversing a distance of 465 km.

#76. Himalayan peak Kanchenjunga is situated at
Ans: (C)
Solution: Kanchanjunga is situated in Sikkim. Its height is 8586 meters.

#77. Durban city is situated in
Ans: (A)
Solution: Durban is Located in the African continent of South Africa.
#78. Tropic of cancer passes through
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Cancer Line passes through eight states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Mizoram and Tripura.

#79. In which year did the government of India Nationalized 14 major private banks?
Ans: (C)
Solution: To reform the banking sector, the Government of India Nationalized 14 major banks in 1969. Again, 6 banks were Nationalized in 1980.
#80. Bangladesh was established as an independent nation after Indo- Pakistan War of
Ans: (D)
Solution: After the India-Pak war, 1971, Bangladesh was established as an independent nation.
#81. Cilka Lake is located in which state?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Chilka Lake is the largest salt water lake in India, it is situated in the state of Odisha.

#82. Sunderban Delta is formed by the rivers
Ans: (A)
Solution: Sunderban Delta is constructed by rivers of Ganga and Brahmaputra
#83. All India Muslim League was founded in the year
Ans: (D)
Solution: All India Muslim League was established by Aga Khan in Dhaka in 1906
#84. Which Governor-General introduced the permanent land revenue system in India?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The permanent land revenue system was introduced in 1793 by the Governor General of India, Lord Cornwallis, in which the landlords had now possessed about 10 per cent of land revenue and 90 per cent was kept by company.
#85. “Mountbatten Plan” regarding the partition of India was officially declared on
Ans: (D)
Solution: Under the “Mountbatten scheme”, India and Pakistan were partitioned on June 3, 1947
#86. Who was elected as the president of the Indian National Congress for the year 1938?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Haripura session of the year 1938 was the 52th session of the Congress, in which the Subhash Chandra Bose was elected as President of Indian National Congress.
#87. Which of the following Mughal Emperors introduced educational reforms?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Mughal emperor Akbar had made improvements in education.
Note: The period of Shah Jahan is known as architecture and Jahangir’s time is known as the golden age of painting.
#88. Which of the following Sikh Gurus instituted the khalsa Panth?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Guru Goovind Singh had established Khalsa Panth on the day of Vaisakhi in 1699 AD.
#89. During the rule of Shivaji the foreign minister was known as
Ans: (A)
Solution: Shivaji established the Maratha Empire. In the Ashtapradhana Cabinet of Shivaji, the External Affairs Minister was called Sumant.
#90. Which of the following is not a composition of Saint Tulsidas?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Gitawali, Kavitawali and Vinay Patrika are the composed by Sant Tulsidas.
#91. Which of the following Rajput Dynastics founded the city of Dhillika (Delhi) in the eight century?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Tomar dynasty established the city of Delhi in the eighth century.
#92. The Gupta empire granted tax-free agrarian land to which of the following?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Tax free agricultural land was provided to Brahmans by the Gupta Empire.
#93. Which of the following sultans introduced “Market Reforms?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sultan Alauddin Khilji of the Khilji dynasty became the sultan of Delhi and made “market reform” system.
#94. State in India with longest coast-line is
Ans: (C)
Solution: Total area of India is 32,87,263 Km2 and it has main land boundary of 15,200 Km and coastline of the border – 7516.6 Km and Gujarat is the longest coastline state in India
#95. The state with lowest urban population in India is-
Ans: (A)
Solution: According to the 2011 census, the total population of India is 1,21,05,69,573 in which the rural population is 68.8 percent while the urban population is 31.3 percent.
#96. Which of the following Buddhist literature contains the Buddha’s sermons on matters of ethics and doctrine?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Buddha’s sermons on matters of ethics and doctrine is compiled in Buddhist literature sutta pitaka.
#97. The example of “Lentic Habitat” in fresh water community is-
Ans: (A)
Solution: In the clean water community, the example of“Lentic Habitat”are pond and swamps ..
#98. Which of the following is used in the preparation of nuclear bombs?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Uranium is used to make nuclear bombs.
#99. “Kyoto Protocol” is related to
Ans: (B)
Solution: “Kyoto Protocol” is related to Green House Gas. This conference was held in Japan in 1997 in Kyoto. A legally binding agreement was made under “Kyoto Protocol” in which industrial nations were expected to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.
#100. Where is the image of an object formed in human eye?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The reflection of an object turns upside down and becomes real in the human eye in the retina.

#101. Halophytes grow well in
Ans: (D)
Solution: Theses are salt loving plants.

#102. Excess of which of the following in the blood causes the “Blue Baby Syndrome” disease?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The disease called “Blue Baby Syndrome” is caused by excessive nitrate in the blood.
#103. Size of the sun is how many times bigger than that of the earth?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The Sun’s diameter is 13 lakh 92 thousand kilometers and is 109 times bigger than earth. Earth gets 2 billionth part of sunlight.
#104. The coldest planet in the solar system is
Ans: (A)
Solution: Planet Neptune is the coldest planet of Solar System and the warmest planet in the Solar System is Mercury.
#105. “Ozone layer Preservation Day” is celebrated on
Ans: (A)
Solution: “Ozone Layer Conservation Day” is celebrated on September 16th, the main function of the ozone layer is to prevent us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Extra Information: Ozone Layer is found in the Stratosphere.
#106. Organization related to “Red Data Book” or “Red List” is
Ans: (B)
Solution: IUCN is an organization related to ‘Red Data Book’ or ‘Red List’ which is endeavoring for environmental protection.
#107. Who among the following is regarded as the leader of “Chipko Movement”?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Sunderlal Bahuguna was the leader of the “Chipko movement”. “Chipko movement” was started in the Garhwal Himalayas in 1973 to prevent indiscriminate felling of trees.
#108. “Montreal Protocol” is related to
Ans: (B)
Solution: “Montreal Protocol” is related to chlorofluorocarbon. This conference was organized in 1987 and agreed to stop its “ChloroFluoroCarbon CFC” production up to year 2000 for the developed countries and for the developing countries by 2010.
#109. Rangrajan committee was constituted
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Rangarajan Committee of 1993 was constituted by the government for making recommendations in context with the disinvestment.
#110. In which article of Indian constitution provision of election commission is mentioned?
Ans: (C)
Solution: The Election Commission has been mentioned in Article 324 of the Indian Constitution, it is a provision related to the election of Article 324 to 329 of Part-15 of the Constitution. The first EC was a one-man commission, but in October 1993, a three-member Election Commission has been appointed.
#111. What is the rank of India in silk production in the world?
Ans: (B)
Solution: India is ranked second in the world in the production of silk, whereas milk production is first and second place in wheat production.
#112. Who was the chairman of advisory committee of fundamental rights and minorities by the constituent assembly?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sardar Patel was the Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Fundamental Rights and Minorities established by the Constituent Assembly, whereas Pt Jawaharlal Nehru was chairman of Union Committee and B.R Ambedkar was the Chairman of the draft Committee.
#113. Famous Hazara temple of Vijaynagar was built during the reign of
Ans: (A)
Solution: Harihara and Bukka established the Vijayanagar empire. The famous Hazara temple, situated in the Vijayanagar empire, was built by Krishna Deva Raya.
#114. Age for voting was reduced from 21 years to 18 years by which constitutional amemdment act?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The age limit for the voting has been reduced from 21 years to 18 years 61st Constitutional amendment has been done by 1989, which is still as it is today.
#115. Chairperson and members of state human rights commission is appointed by-
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Chairman and Members of the State Human Rights Commission are appointed by the Governor while the President and members of the National Human Rights Commission are appointed by the President in the center.
#116. Who is not a member of the committee for the appointment of chairperson and members of the national human rights commission?
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Chairman of the council of states is not the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission.
#117. Dynasty famous for efficient rural administration was
Ans: (A)
Solution: The founder of the Chola dynasty was Vijaypal and the Chola dynasty was famous for skilled rural administration. The capital of Chola dynasty was Tanjore.
#118. Bauxite is the ore of
Ans: (D)
Solution: Bauxite is the raw metarial or ore of aluminum.
Extra Information: Other ores of Aluminium are Cryolite and Corundum.
#119. The Narmada Valley lies between which of the following mountain ranges?
Ans: (C)
Solution: Narmada valley is situated between the mountain range Satpura and Vindhyachal.

#120. Narmada valley is an example of
Ans: (B)
Solution: Narmada Valley is an example of rift valley. It Originates from MP.

#121. Author of the book “One-day Wonders” is
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sunil Gavaskar, who is the author of the book “One Day Wonders”, one of the most successful captains of Indian cricket.
#122. Gandhar art was influenced by _______ art.
Ans: (2)
Solution: Gandhara art developed in northwestern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan between the 1st century bce and the 7th century ce.
It evolved during the reign of Kushana emperor Kanishka.
#123. What was the aim of the Civil Disobedience Movement ?
Ans: (1)
Solution: The objective of the Civil Disobedience Movement was to refuse to obey certain laws, demands, orders, or commands given by the government. The objective of the Civil Disobedience Movement was to refuse to obey certain laws, demands, orders, or commands given by the government.
#124. Which of the following was not a part of the Non-cooperation Movement ?
Ans: (4)
Solution: Non-cooperation programme included:
(i) Surrender of titles and honorary offices
(ii) Resignation from nominated seats
(iii) Withdrawal of children institutions aided or controlled by the government
(iv) Gradual boycott of the British courts.
#125. What was the outcome of the Gandhi - Irwin Pact?
Ans: (4)
Solution: Gandhi Irwin Pact: The Gandhi-Irwin Pact is the name given to a political agreement concluded on 5 March 1931 by Mahatma Gandhi and the then Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin.
Outcome of the Pact:
- Congress will participate in the second round table conference.
- The pact involved immediate release of all political prisoners except those who were convicted on charge of violence.
- Civil disobedience movement will be terminated.
- Withdrawal of all ordinances issues against congress.
- Remove the tax on salt so as to enable people to make and sell it.
Right to peaceful and non-aggressive picketing (Strike) - Withdrawal of emergency ordinances
#126. In Bihar, the Oil refinery is located at
Ans: (B)
Solution: Barauni Refinery in the Begusarai District of Bihar was the dream project of Shrikrishna Sinha the first chief minister of Bihar. It was built in collaboration with the Soviet Union.
#127. Who is known as “Maithili Kavi Kokil” ?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Vidyapati is known as “Maithili Kavi Kokil”. He was a Maithili and Sanskrit poet, composer and writer.
#128. Which was the first Hindi magazine published from Bihar?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Sarva Hitaishi was the first Hindi magazine published from Bihar. It was published from Patna in 1890.
#129. What is the main theme of Patna School of Paintings?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Patna School of Paintings depicted Daily life of Indians. It also focused upon festivals, ceremonies and bazaar scenes. Water colours on papers and mica were mainly used for painting.
#130. When Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki made an attempt to assassinate Kings Ford in Muzaffarpur?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki made attempted to assassinate Kings Ford in Muzaffarpur in 1908. Mr.Kings Ford was a district judge.
#131. Who built the Rohtasgarh Fort?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtasgarh Fort. He was the founder of Suri Empire in India. Rohtasgarh Fort is located in Rohtas town in the valley of Son River in Bihar.
#132. In which state, the Minority commission was given Statutory powers for the first time?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Minority commission was given Statutory powers for the first time in Bihar.
#133. As per climate division of Koppean, the northern and southern Bihar comes under which type of climate ?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Refer the map given below

#134. Who presided the Bankipur Congress Conference organised in Patna?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Raghunath Singh Madholkar presided the Bankipur Congress Conference organised in Patna.
#135. The book “Indica” was written by Megasthenes. In his book, the word ‘Pataliputra ‘ has been referred as?
Ans: (D)
Solution: The word ‘Pataliputra ‘ was referred as Polibothra in the book Indica written by Megasthenes.
Additional information: Indica is an account of Mauryan India by the Greek writer Megasthenes. He had been sent to Chandragupta Maurya’s court by the Greek ruler Seleucus. Megasthenes remained in Pataliputra, the capital of the Mauryan empire and wrote ‘Indica’ during his stay.
#136. Someshwara Range lies in which part of Bihar
Ans: (D)
Solution: It lies in the West Champaran district of Bihar, located on the North Western Side.
#137. Who was the first ruler to merge Kalinga with the Magadha empire?
Ans: (D)
Solution: Mahapadma Nanda was the first ruler to merge Kalinga with the Magadha empire.
Additional Info: He founded the Nanda empire and he was the first emperor of the Nanda empire according to the Puranas. Kalinga was conquered by Mahapadma Nanda but it seceded from the Magadha empire sometime after the fall of the Nanda dynasty. It was later reconquered by the Mauryan king Ashoka.
#138. Which river of Bihar emerges as Niranjana river?
Ans: (A)
Solution: It emerges in the form of small streams in Northern Chotta Nagpur Plateau region. It merges with Mohana at Bodhgaya.
#139. Triveni Link Canal Hydroelectric Project is located in which district of Bihar?
Ans: (B)
Solution: Triveni Link Canal Hydroelectric Project is located in West Champaran of Bihar.
#140. Which is the first community reserve of Bihar?
Ans: (A)
Solution: Gogabeel, which is an oxbow lake in Katihar district of Bihar, has been declared as first ‘Community Reserve’ of the state.
#141. The ratio between the length and the breadth of a rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of the park (in sq. m) is:
Ans: (B)
Perimeter = Distance covered in 8 min. = | ![]() |
12000 | x 8 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
60 |
Let length = 3x metres and breadth = 2x metres.
Then, 2(3x 2x) = 1600 or x = 160.
#142. An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error in the calculated area of the square is:
Ans: (D)
100 cm is read as 102 cm.
(A2 – A1) = [(102)2 – (100)2]
= (102 100) x (102 – 100)
= 404 cm2.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
404 | x 100 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
= 4.04% |
100 x 100 |
#143. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
Ans: (D)
Angle traced by the hour hand in 6 hours = (360/12)X6 = 180 Degrees
#144. How many times do the hands of a clock coincide in a day?
Ans: (A)
Solution: The hands of a clock coincide 11 times in every 12 hours (Since between 11 and 1, they coincide only once, i.e., at 12 o’clock).
#145. The present ages of three persons in proportions 4 : 7 : 9. Eight years ago, the sum of their ages was 56. Find their present ages (in years).
Ans: (B)
Let their present ages be 4x, 7x and 9x years respectively.
Then, (4x – 8) (7x – 8) (9x – 8) = 56
#146. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence, father's age will be twice that of his son. The ratio of their present ages is:
Ans: (B)
#147. Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ... What number should come next?
Ans: (B)
Solution: This is a simple alternating addition and subtraction series. In the first pattern, 3 is added; in the second, 2 is subtracted.
#148. Look at this series: 2, 6, 18, 54, ... What number should come next?
Ans: (C)
Solution: This is a simple multiplication series. Each number is 3 times more than the previous number.
#149. Look at this series: 14, 28, 20, 40, 32, 64, ... What number should come next?
Ans: (B)
Solution: This is an alternating multiplication and subtracting series: First, multiply by 2 and then subtract 8.
#150. How many 3-digit natural numbers (without repetition of digits) are there such that each digit is odd and the number is divisible by 5?
Ans: (B)
Solution: We need to find three-digit numbers having
- All digits are different, and all digits are odd. So, the three digits must be from amongst 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
- The number is divisible by 5, i.e. the units digit is 5.
- The number of ways we can fill the first two digits from amongst 4 distinct digits will be 4 × 3 = 12.